date: (日期以阿拉伯数字根据日/月/年的.格式填写)
attn.: visa section
to: the embassy (申请签证国家名称)in beijing
dear visa officer:
this is to certify that mr/ms/miss.(请按实际选择) (申请人姓名拼音)is the (职务) of ourcompany since (入职时间,具体到月份). he/she(请按实际选择) is going to travel to (申请签证国家名称)andother european countries(如果只去签证申请国一地请删除此句) from (此次行程的出发时间)to (此次行程的结束时间). weguarantee that he/she(请按实际选择)will obey the local laws during the tour and comeback to china as soon as he/she(请按实际选择) finishes the trip. his/her(请按实际选择)annualincome is rmb(年收入). his/her(请按实际选择) position in the corporation will be keptuntil his/her(请按实际选择) return.he/she(请按实际选择) will cover all the travelingexpenses himself/herself(请按实际选择), please kindly issue him/her(请按实际选择)visa after your checking up!
register no:(营业执照编号)
name sex date of birth passport no. position
申请人姓名拼音 m/f(请按实际选择) 出生日期 护照号码 职位
sincerely yours
occupation of signature: 签字人的职务,请用英文打印
add: 公司英文地址
fax: 传真