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时间:2024-03-24 17:33:21



话题英语作文 篇1

do you know how we can keep a healthy lifestyle? now let me tell you. we should de exercise every day. for example, we can run in the morning and play ping-pong in the evening. we should eat healthy food every day. we try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. and we shouldn’t eat too much junk food, because it is not good for our health. at night, we can drink some milk.

but we shouldn’t drink coffee. we should get up early and sleep early. and we shouldn’t watch tv and surf the internet for too long time. we should sleep nine hours every night.

a good healthy lifestyle helps us get good grades. good food and exercise help us to study better.

i have a healthy body, because i have a healthy lifestyle. i exercise every day, usually when i come home from school. my eating habits are pretty good. i try to eat a lot of vegetables. i eat fruit and drink milk every day.

but i never drink coffee, because my mom says, it is too bad for my health. i love junk food, too. but i eat it only once a week. i sleep nine hours every night. good food and good rest can help me to study better! and my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades!

话题英语作文 篇2

In the human growth process, will experience a lot of things: success, failure ... ... I seem to grow very common experience, however, that the failure made me a benefit for life, want to know why? I still listen to it carefully Road Come on!

Today, the math teacher to his tone has always been tough for us to talk about yesterday's test. I got the test paper, looked at the score, red, my tears almost to flow out, "70" points, my God! You know, I've never had such a low test scores, Moreover, or math! Topic teacher on the stage, came under the rustling of error correction, my hands are moving, can not the brain is actually sad. Gomi knocked over my heart like a bottle, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, together came to my mind.

Dark clouds out the window, my heart has long been raining cats and dogs, God seemed to sympathize with me, and finally, the teacher announced that school, I still wood

Ran just sat there, gave me a shot at the same table, "how not walking up?" "You go first!" I bitter to say that, while his heart was sad. Teachers in the empty I only heard sobbing.

When I picked up the bag, and slowly out of the classroom, the classroom is already a heavy rain. I walked slowly into the rain and fog, the rain suddenly surrounded me, he did not feel, until I stopped crying, found that he had become a "Rain Man." Walking, walking, I suddenly felt slipped and then fell to the ground was a mud pit! Passers-by from time to time will react, "you say that this young man ... ..." "hey! Not be saved ... ..." I heard these words, my heart is not a taste of.






话题英语作文 篇3


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled Post-holidaySyndrome Among Students. You should write atleast 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 很多学生在开学伊始都会出现假期综合症

2. 出现这一现象的原因

3. 我的建议


Post-holiday Syndrome Among Students

With the gloomy prospect of returning toschool, many students could suffer from post-holiday syndrome, which refers to a general feelingof depression before returning to campus life, which is caused by irregular lifestyles duringthe holiday. Symptoms include fatigue, lack of appetite and concentration, irritability and afeeling of helplessness.

Various reasons can account for it. But most important of all, a large number of studentstend to overindulge themselves in eating, merrymaking and playing around during the holidays,which makes it difficult to adjust to their routine study schedule and life pace on the campus.

My suggestions to deal with this syndrome are as follows. First,exercising and sticking toa normal schedule over the holidays will make a difference and nip post-holiday syndrome inthe bud. Besides, it pays to return a few days earlier before the semester starts. The earlyreturn seems to have kept the holiday blues at bay.

话题英语作文 篇4

Relax Ourselves

What do you usually do in your spare time to relax yourself? Let me tell you some ways to.First of all, you can stay in bed for a while, sleeping makes people feel good.Secondly, you can join your friends in some fun parties, talks with friends will let you feel comfortable.Thirdly, you can go outing alone. You can either breathe new fresh air in the mountains or you can take a look at how beautiful the nature looks like.Fourth, why don't you just play sports with your family? You'll feel tired if you do too much exercise once, but it keeps you healthy and energetic.What's your opinion?

话题英语作文 篇5

such a promise种种承诺

when i first look at the car toon , i can’t help laughing at the hen who seems to be seriously making a foolis h announcement to the public that she always lays eggs , smooth and round and never without eggwhite and yolk in side the shell . howeve r , when i star t to study the car toon mor e ca refully , i find something significant in it and gradually i come to unde rstand the author’s intention .

nowadays , almost all tr ades and professions ar e r epeatedly making sincer e promises to people: government people assure that they a re noble and clean and will serve people hea rt and soulmer chants smilingly swear tha t the products they sell are of s uperior quality , genuine instead of false, life- time maintenance gua ranteed and the cheapest ma rket price; adver tisers take pains to r ecommend mir acle drugs and make-youbeautiful cosmetics , etc . year af ter year , s uch promises are repeated . i wonder why they t ake so much trouble to boast oudly about their obligations and duties . people believed them at first , but gradually became awakened becau se they have found some dishonesty in such bombing promises .

“actions speak louder than words .” the hen is foolish enough to make he r egg-promise, why shouldn’t those nonsense- maker s become cleve rer ?


· paragraph 1 —

* inte rpretation of the car toon

* my understanding

· paragraph 2 —

* promises made by all t r ades and professions

* awakening of the people

· paragraph 3 —

*“actions speak louder than word s .”



本文是一篇漫画作文, 画的寓意是“各行各业的种种承诺本应是自身的职责, 却要大肆渲染, 无疑是多此一举”, 其愚蠢程度不亚于图中“ 母鸡下蛋的承诺”。这类题型必须把握其寓意( hidden meaning) , 方能切中主题。本文第一段用两句解释了 漫画, 其开头不落俗套, 文笔幽默。第二段切入主题, 例举各种“ 多此一举”的承诺, 笔调生动, 最后一句是有力的揭露。结尾段 中引用了一句成语并奉劝承诺者不要像母鸡那样愚蠢本题曾是一次考研写作题, 漫画取自于21 世纪报, 作者借题自行撰文。



car toon n . 漫画

can’t help + -ing 禁不住

lay eggs 下蛋

eggwhit e n . 蛋白

yolk n . 蛋黄

all t r ades and professions 各行各业

serve people hear t and soul 全心全意为人民服务

swear v . 发誓

superior quality 优质

genuine instead of false 真货而不是假货

life-time maintenance guarant eed 保证终身维修

take pains to + v . 费尽心思去

miracle drugs 神药

make-you-beautiful cosmetics “使你美”化妆品

year after year 年复一年

boast about 吹嘘

obligation n . 责职, 义务

dishonesty in such bombing promises 轰炸性的承诺中的欺骗

actions speak louder than words . 听其言更要观其行

nonsense-maker s 说废话者

话题英语作文 篇6

A good book is like a cup of green tea, long fragrance gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. In my bookcase, "Andersen fairy tale" although the appearance of rotten old, but it is my favorite book. A little story I love most in the "Andersen fairy tale" in the "beauty" is mainly about: in the woods there lived a beautiful sister, sister looks as though, but my sister has a perfect soul, and her sister was finally egoistic, Xinfu life.

Tell us from this story: we should not only be a person who looks beautiful, but also a person with spiritual beauty. Only the person with beautiful mind is the true beauty. It's the same thing in life. Once, I went shopping with my mum, just on the bus, he saw a look very beautiful aunt sitting on the side of her right hand, and stood a more than 80 year old grandmother, she didn't give grandma a seat, from time to time looking out of the window, but also filled with as it is people feel shame. In life, there are many things like this...... We should not only pay attention to the appearance of the beautiful, but also pay attention to the heart, to be a kind-hearted and helpful people, so as to make our home construction more beautiful and beautiful.



